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Test Taking Policies

  • Student must provide a current Support Services/Accommodation Plan from Disability Services to his/her professors before requesting to take quizzes, tests and exams in the O’Neill Center.
  • Student must make an appointment at the O’Neill Center to take a test, preferably in person, with at least 72 hours (3 business days) advance notice. At least 3 (three) weeks’ notice is required for final exam reservations. O’Neill Center can refuse a student’s request to take a test at the Center if a reservation has not been made. A professor leaving a test for a student at the O’Neill Center, does not set up the appointment.
  • Upon making a test reservation, student will be given a Faculty Test Drop-off Slip to bring to Professor as a reminder that he/she will be taking the test in the O’Neill Center.
  • Professor provides the O’Neill Center a copy of the exam in advance in a sealed manila envelope labeled with the student’s name, course and professor name. Professor uses Test Drop-off Slip to make note of any special instructions – use of notes, books, calculator, charts, computer, etc.
  • Student must take the test at the same time the class is taking the test, with the exceptions of written permission from the professor or with students taking night classes, which must be taken during center hours. Extended time is offered to the student either before or after class time, or combination of both, depending on the hour of day. See note*.
  • Student will sign in legibly on the clip board and check all book bags and purses at the front desk, when arriving at the O’Neill Center. All cell phones, smartwatches, iPods, iPads, etc. must be powered off and left at the front desk.Student must claim all belongings and sign out when leaving the center.
  • Cell phones, iPads, smartwatches or any other electronic devices are not permitted for use as calculators.
  • Student is not permitted to leave the testing room and return later to complete a test. Once a student leaves, his/her test is considered “completed” and will be returned to the professor.
  • It is recommended that all students visit the restroom before arriving for a test, as breaks are not provided during testing.
  • Students are not permitted to have any food or drink (including water) in the O’Neill Center.
  • Students arriving late are not guaranteed extended time past their scheduled appointment time or into another testing slot.
  • Tests, including those completed and those not taken as scheduled, will be returned to the professor as soon as possible, or by end of the day.

*Note: O’ Neill Center hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm. The center will open at 7:30am for previously scheduled appointments and closes promptly at 4:00pm. Students who use the O’Neill Center for extended time testing should arrange their academic schedule so that classes are not back to back.

Contact Us

O'Neill Center for Student Access and Support

Location: Maureen M. Wilkens Hall, Room 222

Hours: Monday–Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm (later times by appointment)

Phone: 774.330.4337
